Hi, want to change my mitm tools to mitmproxy and find a problem with Sniffing one iOS App.
It has a Internet SpeedTest Feature that dont works when using Mitmproxy.
Connection Problems also with any passthru config like ignore domain or tcp-raw.
Iam running mitmproxy in Transparent Mode and with iptabels redirect traffic to its port.
Tried to log diffrents between traffic but cant see any reason why this dont work in Mitmproxy.
Maybe something on my side but can someone confirm if he could sniff the Speedtest or at least use Passtru?
App Name: connect
Dev: WEKA Media Publishing GmbH, Store: DE, Version 2.0.3
I looked in Mallory as its also in Python.
They also used python sockets with “SOCK_STREAM” for TCP.
But dont know the difference in settings or how they do the data forwarding
The flags maybe even not the problem, was just a thought.