Proxyauth with HTTPS not working on iPhone and MAC Safari - KCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 310

Hi, I am using mitmproxy in docker on digitalocean server.

Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6
Mitmproxy: 4.0.3

I have CA certificates imported on my MAC and iPhone successfuly.

If my runing confuguration is:

docker run --name mitmdump --rm -it -v ~/mitmproxy:/home/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy -p 3127:8080 mitmproxy/mitmproxy mitmdump --set block_global=false

everiting works fine on MAC as well as on iPhone.

When I add --proxyauth login:pass then HTTPS on MAC Safari does not work and all HTTPS on iPhone does not work too.

Another tests:

Safari on MAC work fine only with HTTP
Safari on iPhone work fine only with HTTP
curl on MAC work fine with both HTTP and HTTPS
chrome on MAC work fine with both HTTP and HTTPS
firefox on MAC work fine with both HTTP and HTTPS

From Safari on MAC I am getting KCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 310

any help please?

thank you very much help and for great tool