I have LinkSys router get connected local devices to ethernet ports of it with IP addresses assigned (192.168.1.X) and WAN port connected to a network-A and network-A connected to internet.
I have written below rules in LinkSys router to route all HTTP traffic to Ubuntu machine running mitmproxy with transparent mode on 8080 port .
LAN_IP=nvram get lan_ipaddr
LAN_NET=$LAN_IP/nvram get lan_netmask
Also, I have written below rule on Ubuntu machine to listen all traffic
Iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp —dport 80 -j DNAT —to Ubuntu-IP-Address:8080
So, When mitmproxy captures the traffic from connected devices of LinkSys, Mitmproxy shows 404 because details section shows that mitmproxy hitting at Ubuntu-Server:80 like below:
Server : Ubuntu-IP-Address:80
Client: LinkSys-WAN-IP:randam port
Could you please help me to identify issue so that mitmproxy should hit real IP addresses of the HTTP Urls not to the Ubuntu IP address.
I have caught the issue that I was doing NAT before sending network traffic to MITM Proxy.
I have gone through over the details on URL https://docs.mitmproxy.org/stable/concepts-modes/ and found below note:
“Network Address Translation should not be applied before the traffic reaches mitmproxy, since this would remove the target information, leaving mitmproxy unable to determine the real destination.”
To get this issue resolve, I had changed the default gateway of router to my mitmproxy machine and it works!
Thanks MitmProxy Team.
For anyone else encountering this issue, here are the firewall rules that I used to proxy traffic via the router from one device to a machine running mitmproxy in transparent mode. Tested on the DD-WRT firmware.