Error decoding header block: Encoder did not shrink table size to within the max

Can only get such an error message!!!
command args:./mitmweb --listen-port=7777 --web-iface --set block_global=false --set http2_priority=true --set termlog_verbosity=debug --set bodyize_limit=3m
debug info :slight_smile:::ffff: HTTP2 Event from server
-> <SettingsAcknowledged changed_settings:{ChangedSetting(setting=SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE, original_value=4096, new_value=0), ChangedSetting(setting=SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH, original_value=1, new_value=0)}>
::ffff: HTTP2 Event from client
-> <SettingsAcknowledged changed_settings:{ChangedSetting(setting=SettingCodes.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, original_value=100, new_value=20)}>
::ffff: HTTP2 Event from client
-> <SettingsAcknowledged changed_settings:{}>
::ffff: HTTP2 Event from server
-> <SettingsAcknowledged changed_settings:{}>
::ffff: ProtocolError(‘Error decoding header block: Encoder did not shrink table size to within the max’,)
::ffff: serverdisconnect

usage C# Client send http/2.0 protocol
C# error:System.IO.IOException : The response ended prematurely, with at least 9 additional bytes expected.
Sorry, the full code and package could not be provided for confidentiality reasons
The problem description is nothing more than thi