Altering urlencoded form

list_of_values = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5555 ]
for i in list_of_values:
    dup = ctx.duplicate_flow( flow )
    form = dup.request.urlencoded_form
    form[ "zoneID" ] = [ i ]
    dup.request.urlencoded_form = form
    ctx.replay_request( dup )
    print "%%%", dup.request.urlencoded_form, i, dup.response.content

%%% [(‘TOKEN’, 1234’), (‘zoneID’, ‘548140’)] 1 same_response.content_each_time
%%% [(‘TOKEN’, 1234’), (‘zoneID’, ‘548140’)] 2 same_response.content_each_time
%%% [(‘TOKEN’, 1234’), (‘zoneID’, ‘548140’)] 3 same_response.content_each_time
%%% [(‘TOKEN’, 1234’), (‘zoneID’, ‘548140’)] 4 same_response.content_each_time
%%% [(‘TOKEN’, 1234’), (‘zoneID’, ‘548140’)] 5555 same_response.content_each_time

mitmproxy --version

mitmproxy 0.17

any ideas?

Please update to 2.0.x and try again.